ARCP Checklist for Educational Supervisors
There are a few common problems that can result in an ARCP not being completed, which often causes worry to trainees and their supervisors. The following checklist should prove useful in preventing this happening to your trainee:
☐ Ensure all absences of 30 days or more have been accounted for in the ‘Post’ list. If any absence does not appear to have been accounted for, please inform the GP Training School on immediately.
☐ The learning log should show a comprehensive range of learning activities, demonstrate reflection and an appropriate level of curriculum coverage.
☐ For trainees based in a GP post, the learning log should include all OOH sessions. The title of each entry should include the type and duration of the shift and a cumulative total of the hours completed. The trainee should reflect on their learning for each shift.
☐ Complete the Educational Supervisor Review.
☐ For the final ARCP, there should be evidence in the learning log that the trainee has met the child safeguarding requirements.
☐ The completed Form R should be in the learning log.
☐ For trainees doing any work outside of their GP training which requires them to be a qualified doctor, they need to provide evidence of sound performance in these roles for revalidation purposes (via a Wider Scope of Practice form).
☐ For the final ARCP, ensure evidence of competence in intimate CEPS is recorded. There are questions about this on the final page of the final review.
☐ The minimum number of WPBAs must be completed, which includes the release of the MSF and the PSQ.