Dr Bennett has recently accepted the post of GP Associate Dean leaving a vacancy in NPT. ABMU HB has recently changed to become Swansea Bay HB incorporating Swansea, Neath & Port Talbot with Bridgend moving to Cwm Taf HB.
The current NPT scheme has 2×2 session PDs with an approximate total of 20 trainees on the scheme. There are 8 training practices, with many hospital posts in Swansea and some in Port Talbot. Recruitment in recent years has been difficult with the scheme failing to fill on a number of occasions.
Swansea has 2×3 session PDs who look after approximately 65 trainees, with a total of 14 training practices. Swansea has filled over recent years with a full quota of trainees.
Both schemes have a history of collaboration with trainee and trainer events having been shared over many years.
That Swansea & Neath/Port Talbot schemes merge into 1 scheme – ‘Swansea Bay GP training scheme’ with 3×3 session PDs and an approximate total of 90 trainees and 22 training practices (almost identical to the new expanded schemes in Gwent & Cardiff using the 2+1 model)
A potential improvement in recruitment across the whole area, in particular those areas that have been hard to recruit to through an equitable allocation of trainees.
Greater training practice capacity given the highly likely and significant increase in GP based trainees in the near future. The area will see an increase in GP placements from the current 36 to 60+ with the adoption of the 2+1 model of GP training.
No disruption to the existing hospital post provision across the area.
More equitable workload distribution across PDs which may provide the capacity to innovate and provide new educational experiences to trainees
Loss of scheme identity & Disruption to the existing teaching programmes
Scheme size becoming difficult to manage both for trainee and trainer numbers
Travel time for trainees to HDR (wherever that may be) & trainers to workshops
This document intends to inform the reader of the current thinking and intends to stimulate further questions that will be answered by Dr Martin Sullivan (AD) when he visits both schemes during a series of meetings this autumn. I’m sure that the PDs may provide further information if you require it in the interim.
Dr Martin Sullivan will be attending the trainers workshop on Tuesday 24th September and meeting with trainees and trainers to discuss this further and get feedback from our training scheme.