Minor Surgery & Joint Injections Study Day
Wednesday 2 October 2019 | 08:00 – 16:30
Marriott St Pierre, Chepstow
This study day is a full, interactive day and includes practical sessions using both pork
products and artificial models. Topics covered will include:
• Ellipse excision
• Wound edge eversion
• Buried subcutaneous stitching
• Knee joints, elbow joints and tennis elbow
• Wrist joints, carpel tunnel, trigger finger, de Quervains
Members: £195
Non-members: £210
Post-CCT Event
Thursday 10 October 2019 | 19:00 – 21:30
Village Hotel, Cardiff
RCGP South East Wales Faculty are hosting a 2019 Post-CCT evening event in Cardiff.
This is a relaxed and informal learning event for newly qualified GPs and F5s. A great
opportunity to meet with colleagues and friends, new and existing from across the region.
FREE to members
Dinner and refreshments will be provided
upon arrival.
Please register for this event
More Essential Dermatology 2
Thursday 24 October 2019 | 08:45 – 16:30
The Village Hotel, Cardiff
RCGP South East Wales are running this programme in conjunction with the Primary
Care for Dermatology Society (PCDS). It will cover the essential information to enable a
GP and dermatology nurse practitioners to confidently assess the vast majority of
conditions encountered in day to day general practice.
AiT: £50
Member: £75
Non-member: £100
Women’s Health Event
Wednesday 27 November 2018 | 09:00 – 16:30
Village Hotel, Swansea
RCGP South West Wales Faculty are
pleased to offer this Women’s Health
Study Day. Topics such as ovarian cancer,
infertility, menopause and contraception
will be covered, to name but a few. It
promises to be a full and informative day.
Members: £75
Non-members: £100
End of Life Care ‘Learn and Share’ Workshop
Friday 13 December 2019 | 10:00 – 16:00
RCGP Wales are pleased to offer this ‘learn & share’ workshop around end of life care.
We will be joined by Marie Curie who will be giving a development update on the Daffodil
Standards plus there will be examples of good practice with case studies and group
discussions around quality improvement.
Members: £40
Non-members: £50
Allergy Afternoon
Thursday 23 January 2020
13:30 – 16:30
Novotel, Cardiff
RCGP South East Wales Faculty are pleased to offer this allergy afternoon workshop. It
aims to update knowledge on allergies, provide practical advice re investigation and
management, when to prescribe and epi-pen and aid navigation through the ‘milk maze’.
AiTs: £25 | Members: £35 | Non-members: £50
Blood Cancer Diagnosis ‘Spot Leukaemia’ Workshop
Thursday 30 January 2020 | 12:00 – 17:00
Village Hotel, Cardiff
RCGP South East Wales Faculty in
partnership with Leukaemia Care are
hosting this participative workshop to
empower primary care health
professionals to recognise the vagaries
involved in a rare blood cancer diagnosis
and be up to date of appropriate referral
pathways. The event also focuses on
communication during diagnosis,
establishing an action plan and
appropriate after care.
Members: £10
Non-members: £15
For all courses, please contact Jennie Pilkington for more information and
registration details.